Moon, Wind, and Earth

I'd like to tell you I love you in a way as powerful as I feel.

I feel a tidal wave of Love for you. 

Though maybe not quite. 

The tide is ciclical, with the movements of the moon.

My Love for you does not move like the moon. 

It is steady and bright, and doesn't cover itself with shadow for any amount of time.

I feel love for you like the wind, sharp and biting, 

made of a million tiny streams of air and pushing all at once 

to move me toward you, with you. 

I love you like the wind,

The way it blows through me in great gusts, on sunny days 

making my hair fly like your fingers twisted up in it, 

not a bit impatient, but always persistent.

There are no parts of me not moved by it. 

It's like the force of the earth, each part deep below the surface 

almost quiet, almost ignored. 

But I surrendered to it each each time it rumbled within.  

Its first quiet movements dislodged parts of my interior 

a slow steady stream of magma that shifted plates of my heart that never felt settled, 

never stopped moving and shifting like impatient feet.

Then a crack, as a deeb rumbling of crust shifted from molten interior, 

spilling out onto the floor of my pelvis, like the floor of the ocean. 

I feel love for you like a tsunami.

Each movement connects to another. Some are chemical, thermal, some gravitational.

The shifts form magnituds of force that build suddenly and swiftly. They push and tear and entirely reshape shorelines and tidal patterns.  

Though the warmth is sensual, I will not limit my love by calling it sexual. 

I pleasure myself in your smile and even your grimace as much as I do your sweat. 

The heaviness of your body above mine in certainly like the ocean pressing down on   

But all of the parts can not be simplified into one  is as much like the air

blows over the surface of your skin as it is the hand that holds your face and delights in 


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